Aluminum Production by Country

Aluminum Production by Country

Aluminum is lightweight, durable and flexible, making it one of the most commonly produced metals in the world. The material is used in the construction industryautomotive manufacturing, appliances and consumer goods.

One of the benefits of aluminum is it is light weight. This characteristic makes vehicles lighter and can reduce the gas consumption of a car. This material also meets other industries’ demands. Aluminum’s flexibility and electrically conductive properties give it an advantage in electronics industries, while its recyclability makes it popular for use in making food-safe foils and cans.

While contribution by country varies, world primary aluminum production measured almost 69 million tons in 2022 alone, with China producing the lion’s share (over 58%), but the year’s expansion was driven by the rest of Asia and the Middle East. The metal is also produced in Europe, North America, Latin America, Oceania, and Africa. Aluminum comes from bauxite ore, which is made into alumina in alumina refineries and then smelted into aluminum. 

Top 10 Aluminum-Producing Countries

Many countries produce aluminum, with each nation playing a unique role in the global marketplace. Examining primary aluminum production by country shows that each nation participates in the industry in unique ways:

China is the world’s largest primary aluminum producer, manufacturing over 40 million metric tons in 2022. One reason China produces so much aluminum is the country’s strong manufacturing industry, which requires the metal for vehicles, building and construction, electronics and consumer goods. The nation also exports aluminum in semi-fabricated forms via its excellent shipping capabilities. China’s aluminum production is mainly coal-powered, but the transition to green aluminum is accelerating. The largest domestic producers include China Hongqiao, Chalco, Yunnan Aluminum, Xinfa and East Group, among others.

Since 2018, China’s government has sought to control the county’s aluminum production capacity increase to address environmental and overproduction concerns. Despite this effort, China still leads by far the world in aluminum production.

India has taken the lead in primary aluminum production outside China, with 4.1 million metric tons produced in 2022, although the bulk of India’s primary aluminum production is coal-powered. India’s power, consumer goods, transportation and construction sectors create a high demand for aluminum. The local companies dominating primary aluminum production are Vedanta, Hindalco and Nalco.

Russia is the third-largest nation for primary aluminum production, with 4.0 million metric tons produced in 2022 (mainly using hydroelectricity). RUSAL, based in Moscow, is the largest primary aluminum-producing company outside China. Despite continued headwinds, aluminum production in Russia has continued to increase in recent years. 

Canada produced 3.0 million metric tons of aluminum in 2022. It’s home to 10 primary aluminum smelters across the country, all located in the provinces of Quebec and British Columbia. Canada also has a low carbon footprint in its aluminum production compared with other nations due to its extensive use of hydroelectricity for smelting.  

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) produced 2.7 million metric tons of primary aluminum in 2022. Aluminum production accounted for 1.4% of the UAE’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018. While local construction and other industries rely on the material, the UAE exports most of its aluminum to 70 countries around the world. Emirates Global Aluminum, a manufacturing giant that has operated for decades, is one of the largest companies in the UAE. 

This island nation produced 1.6 million tons in 2022. The Kingdom of Bahrain is well-positioned to be a key aluminum exporter since it can easily send large volumes of the metal to nearby markets like those in the Middle East, Europe and North America. Aluminum Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) is the largest primary aluminum producer in the country.

Australia produced 1.5 million tons of aluminum in 2022. Over 15,000 people are employed in the sector, which includes four leading aluminum smelters, all located near the coastline. These locations are Bell Bay in Tasmania, Boyne Island in Queensland, Portland in Victoria and Tomago in New South Wales. Access to the coastline allows these smelters to access electricity and trade routes — especially those connecting the continent to Asia — to export the finished product. 

Norway produced 1.4 million tons of aluminum in 2022. This nation has one of the most energy-efficient aluminum production processes in the world and one of the lowest carbon footprints amid the usage of clean energy for the smelting process. Norsk Hydro ASA and Alcoa Norway ANS are the two producers of primary aluminum in the country, both with multiple facilities.

Malaysia has jumped to the top 10 producing countries of primary aluminum given recent capacity expansions by Press Metal. This country produced up to 1.1 million tons in 2022 using mainly hydroelectricity. The country has been scaling up its aluminum smelter in three phases, turning the Sarawak area in one of the world’s largest for primary aluminum production outside China. Sarawak is a Malaysian state on the Borneo Islands.

The USA produced almost 0.9 million metric tons of primary aluminum in 2022. Its production fell below the one million metric ton mark for the first time in three years. The U.S. is heavily dependent on aluminum imports. Between 1991 and 2020, the American aluminum production industry saw a carbon footprint drop of 49% as several smelters exit the market. There are now only four primary aluminum smelters operating in the U.S. There are now only four operating primary aluminum smelters in the U.S., with only two producers remaining in the country Century Aluminum and Alcoa.

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