1. LME price remains stuck around the $2,700 per mton level amid disappointing demand data and ahead of US-Russia talks tomorrow.
LME Cash aluminum prices closed at $… per mton, up 0.1% or $… per mton from Friday. Meanwhile, LME 3M aluminum prices closed today at $… per mton, up 0.2% from yesterday but 0.7% below an intraday high of $…
2. ALERT! – US MW PREMIUM. US IMPORT SPIKE: Imports surge to delay MW premium reaching… cent/lb.
US imports of P1020/purity aluminum doubled in the four weeks before the increase in Section 232 Tariffs to 25%, fueled by a surge in imports from the Middle East, India and Brazil rushing to be eligible to profit by as much as 19…
3. ALERT! – US & EUROPE ALUMINUM. EUROPE FOLLOWS TRUMP: EU to launch aluminum import investigation, may tax scrap exports.
The European Union is expected to announce on Wednesday an investigation to potentially impose Tariffs or safeguards on aluminum imports. Aluminum scrap…
4. RERUN: ALERT! – EUROPEAN BILLET. BATTLE FOR SCRAP ON: Secondary billet producers facing tougher times ahead.
To see our full European Billet Market Intel and Premiums assessment, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “European Billet Intelligence” reports.
5. ALERT! – US 356.1 SFA. JUMP: 356.1 SFA follows wheel scrap prices, MWTP, Tariffs higher.
For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence” report.
6. UPDATE! – ALUMINA PRICE. PLUNGE CONTINUES: LME alumina prices fall to near-10-month lows.
For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s “Alumina & Bauxite Intelligence” report.
7. GREEN ALUMINUM MONITOR. 100% RECYCLED SCRAP: The automotive industry keeps raising the bar.
For more details and the latest green aluminum upcharges, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “Green Aluminum Monitor” report.
8. LME Cash-3M backwardation eases from three-week highs (still bearish P1020 premiums).
The Cash-3M backwardation narrowed to $… per mton, from Friday’s three-week high of $… per mton, as tightness eased after March’s third Wednesday. The March–April backwardation eased to…
9. China’s aluminum price declines amid stimulus disappointment.
Prices declined as demand concerns persist. SHFE front-month aluminum prices closed today’s session down 0.4% at…