November 1, 2021
1. LME price still in bearish mode; ongoing correction continues to target $… per mton.
2. China’s aluminum prices fall amid manufacturing contraction.
3. HARBOR FIRST ALERT. TARRIF RATE QUOTA AGREED: Section 232 Tariffs for the EU to be replaced by TRQ, seen having no impact on MW P1020 premium.
4. SECTION 232 UPDATE. MORE DETAILS ON TRADE DEAL: About 366 kmton of semis from Europe exempted, high-carbon aluminum imports to be discouraged.
5. GREEN ALUMINUM MONITOR: More roadmaps to carbon neutrality announced.
For more details, please see our “Green Aluminum Monitor” released earlier today.
6. LME Cash–December conditions ease, but severe tightness persists into 2022.
More details in full report.