LME price up as $… support holds as expected; Cash–3M contango tightens to less than $… per mton


1. LME prices bounce back again after retesting support zone, range-trading pattern ($… per mton) could persist in the coming weeks.

2. GREEN ALUMINUM ALERT: Norsk Hydro starts expansion of its Rackwitz aluminum recycling plant in Germany, aiming to increase Green Aluminum production by 25k mtpy.

3. US ROLLING MILL ALERT. VORTEQ acquires Almexa ’s coil coating line.

For more details, please subscribe to our specialized Aluminum Rolled Products Intelligence Report.

4. China’s aluminum prices extend yesterday’s rebound from thirteen-month lows.

5. LME Cash–3M contango shrinks to narrowest since March as nearby spreads tighten.


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