LME price falls to $2,600 per mton


1. LME price down to two-week lows amid Tariff concerns.

LME Cash aluminum prices closed the session down… % or $… per mton at $… per mton. Prices fell along with the base metals complex amid a stronger US dollar and escalating Tariff concerns after China vowed to retaliate if President Trump adds an additional 10% US tariff next week on China. Meanwhile…

2. China’s aluminum prices stay near two-week low levels.

SHFE front-month aluminum prices closed today’s session up… % at… yuan per mton, but erased all gains in after…

3. ALERT! – US ZORBA. THREE-MONTH HIGHS: Export zorba prices rebound to… levels.

For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence” report.

4. ALERT! – US EXTRUSION SCRAP. TIGHT SUPPLY STILL REIGNS: Lack of prompt extrusion scrap supports prices.

For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence” report.

5. ALERT! – EUROPE D226 & SECONDARY SCRAP. IT’S ALL ABOUT SUPPLY AND DEMAND: D226 prices spike to two-year highs as supply dries up.

For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “Europe Scrap Intelligence” reports.

6. LME Cash-3M backwardation remains in double digits (bearish P1020 premiums).

The Cash-3M backwardation closed the week narrowing to $… per mton from yesterday’s one-week high of $… per mton. The March–April backwardation intensified to $…



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