1. LME Cash price ends the month below $2,600 per mton, still stuck in a range-trading pattern.
LME Cash aluminum prices closed the session at $… per mton, up 0.3% or $7 per mton from yesterday. Prices received support from…
2. China’s aluminum prices end the month stuck below 21,000 yuan per mton.
SHFE front-month aluminum prices closed down by 0.3% at… yuan per mton…
3. SPECIAL ALERT! – US BILLET. THE DAY AFTER: US extrusion industry prospects grimmer after ITC ruling.
The US extrusion industry sees the ITC ruling as a serious blow to demand, investment and profitability’s long-term prospects…
4. LME Cash–3M contango tightens to $26 per mton, unattractive for financing deals (bearish spot premiums).
The Cash-3M contango shrank to a nearly three-week low of $… per mton (a 4.1% annualized yield) from yesterday’s $…