LME price ends 2022 with bearish momentum, down $.. per mton y/y; Intense European billet supplier competition


NOTE: HARBOR’s Daily Aluminum Commentary will not be published on Monday, January 2, since the LME will be closed due to the New Year’s holiday.

1. LME price ends 2022 down in daily, weekly, monthly, and annual terms.

2. China’s aluminum prices lack short-term direction; remain stuck near interim support.

3. ALERT! – EUROPEAN BILLET. Quiet before the next storm?

To see our full European Billet Market Intel and Premiums assessment, please subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized European Billet Intelligence Report.

4. GREEN ALUMINUM MONITOR. Going after more Green and Super Green Aluminum.

For more details, please subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “Green Aluminum Monitor Report.”

5. LME Cash–3M contango narrows further; unattractive for financing deals.


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Previous Article LME price ends 2022 with bearish momentum, down $.. per mton y/y; Intense European billet supplier competition Next Article LME price falls to $... per mton amid confirmation of demand contraction; US billet market facing high inventories across the supply chain
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