LME price down but still above key support; LME shorts getting squeezed


1. LME price drops to a one-week low, trades within expected $2,020–$1,970 per mton support zone.

2. LME Cash–February backwardation eases while nearby squeeze continues (still bearish for premiums around the world).

3. BRAZIL ALUMINUM ALERT. STABLE START: Brazil’s P1020 premium still at 28-month high.

4. HARBOR FIRST ALERT. Rusal America releases new aluminum powders to US 3D printing market.

5. US A.356 AUTO WHEELS SCRAP ALERT. US brokers remain aggressive on A.356 wheels. For more details, please subscribe to our specialized US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence Report.

6. China’s aluminum prices sell-off to a two-month low; short-term technical indicators deteriorate.

More details in full report.


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