LME prices fall as low as $2,304 per mton; More new recycling capacity in China; EU slab supply chain still tight


1. LME prices regain some ground after nearly reaching HARBOR’s correction target zone of $… per mton.

2. SHFE aluminum prices down to a one-month low as China reiterates warning against speculation.

3. CHINA SCRAP ALERT. MORE RECYCLING CAPACITY COMING: China announces even more recycling capacity as it prepares for a massive wave of domestic scrap supply.

4. CHINA ALUMINUM ALERT: DRY SEASON: Yunnan to lose… kmton of production.

5. EUROPE SLAB ALERT. TIGHT: European slab supply tightness lingers amid strong demand and supply hiccups.

6. EUROPE WIRE ROD UPDATE. STRONG OUTLOOK: Auto industry appetite for aluminum wire strengthening.

7. GREEN ALUMINUM MONITOR: The Great Green Race Among Aluminum Producers.

For more details, please see our “Green Aluminum Monitor” released earlier today.

8. LME Cash–3M contango widens to a new high since March, attractive for new cash-and-carry deals (supportive for P1020 premiums).

More details in full report.


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