LME price support holds; Cash-3M backwardation widens (bearish premiums); China’s construction sector in contraction with bearish outlook


1. LME prices rallied again after testing HARBOR’s $… per mton identified technical support zone.

2. China’s aluminum prices unable to bounce back above key support level.

3. ALERT! — LME AND PREMIUMS SPECIAL ANALYSIS. STRONGLY BEARISH: Ongoing contraction in China’s key construction sector is set to continue in 2022, bearish aluminum prices.

4. ALERT! — SCRAP IN CHINA. MORE RECYCLING PROJECTS COMING: Another 300 kmtpy recycling project announced in China.

5. ALUMINUM PRODUCTION ALERT. Rio Tinto to expand smelting capacity in Canada by 26.5 kmtpy by the end of 2023.

6. US EC 1350 SCRAP ALERT. WIDER DISCOUNTS FOR CUTTER GRADES: US consumers widening spreads for EC 1350.

For more details, please subscribe to our specialized US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence Report.

7. US OLD CAST SCRAP ALERT. SLIGTHLY UP: US secondaries raise their prices on old cast.

Prices firm up a bit as winter approaches. For more details, please subscribe to our specialized US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence Report.

8. LME Cash–3M backwardation intensifies to double digits (bearish for P1020 spot premiums).

More details in full report.


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Previous Article LME prices plunge and revisit key support zone; Nearby LME spreads join the rest of the curve in backwardation (bearish P1020) Next Article LME unchanged but above key support; Backwardation along the curve intensifies (bearish premiums); Canadian logistic issues re-emerge
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