Cansheet Market To End 2021 In Surplus , Conversion Prices Seen Contained

Executive Summary:

The North American cansheet market is expected to end 2021 in a slight surplus as domestic production increases amid slowing autobody sheet shipments and debottlenecking within domestic rolling mills; while imports of empty aluminum beverage cans continues to cannibalize cansheet demand. Conversion prices are expected to be contained as a result of the surplus as well as an uptick in profitability due to widening spreads for UBC and Class scrap.

  1. North American aluminum cansheet demand is on-track to grow…
  2. North American can-making capacity is set to increase ove…
  3. Cansheet consumers are on track to import…
  4. Container freight rates continue to…
  5. Domestic production of cansheet is expected to hit…
  6. The North America cansheet market is expected to be…
  7. Conversion prices are expected to…


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