Biggest LME price rally on record; over… mton of P1020 units returning to the Western World from China


1. LME prices end the week above the $3,800 per mton mark as ongoing price rally becomes the strongest ever. Door open for further sharp daily price increases.

2. LME Cash–3M backwardation at one-week high as tightness intensifies ahead of May; long-term backwardations reach new decade highs.

3. China’s aluminum prices fall after testing a four-month high yesterday.

4. ALERT! – LME & PREMIUMS. OPEN ARB FOR BOOMING CHINESE EXPORTS: Traders shipping over… mton of western aluminum units back to Europe and the US, massive Chinese aluminum exports seen ahead.

5. RERUN: ALERT! – GREEN ALUMINUM. MORE RECYCLING COMING: China and Turkey announce more recycling projects.

6. EUROPE PFA ALERT. UNCERTANTY ON THE RISE: Spot PFA premiums unchanged amid increasing demand outlook uncertainty.

7. EUROPEAN SCRAP ALERT. INCREASED UNCERTAINTY: Short-term pricing spikes but demand uncertainty rises.

To see our full market intel on the European scrap market, please subscribe to our specialized Europe Scrap Intelligence Report.

8. US SCRAP ALERT. Aluminum scrap profitability spikes, confirms “green gold” status.

For more details, please subscribe to our specialized US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence Report.

9. US A356 WHEEL SCRAP ALERT. STRONG DEMAND FOR HARDENER REPLACEMENTS: Auto scrap wheels continue to climb in price and consumer demand.

For more details, please subscribe to our specialized US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence Report.


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