LME prices down amid… k mton inventory buildup; Another secondary billet expansion in Europe; China production restarts kicking in


1. LME prices down from near two-week high amid LME inventory buildup, China demand concerns and a strong US dollar. Prices still inside the $… per mton range.

2. China’s aluminum prices capped by technical resistance.

3. ALUMINUM PRODUCTION ALERT. SUPPLY RESTARTS IN CHINA: Smelters in Yunnan restart production amid easing energy tightness.

4. EUROPEAN BILLET ALERT. GREEN PUSH CONTINUES: Hydroannounces new 90 kmtpy secondary billet plant in Hungary.

5. US CAN ALERT. CAN SUPPLY TIGHT & IMPACTED: Two US can plants in Kentucky impacted by severe weather.

Severe weather over the weekend has apparently impacted two can operations in Bowling Green, KY, at a time of can supply tightness. For more details, please subscribe to our specialized Aluminum Rolled Products Intelligence Report.

6. Cash‑3M spread returns to contango; Cash–January “back” incentivizing LME inventory buildups as expected.

More details in full report.


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