5xxx Autosheet Conversion Price Rally to Continue Toward $… per lb


Executive Summary:

Conversion prices for aluminum autosheet have continued to diverge, as conversion prices for 5xxx series autosheet are expected to rise by …% or so into 2022 while 6xxx series autosheet only…

1. The rally in conversion prices for 5xxx series autosheet continues and is expected by HARBOR to climb over…

2. Tight supply of 5xxx series aluminum sheet/coil is expected to…

3. The growing shortfall of common alloy aluminum sheet necessitates the need for…

4. Rising magnesium prices are likely to be bullish conversion prices for 5xxx autosheet alloys and could add…

5. A weaker demand environment has developed and recovery in autosheet is not likely until…

6. The weaker demand environment and available production capacity for HT automotive sheet will likely keep…


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