For over 15 years, Jorge Vazquez has specialized on studying the global aluminum value chain and providing market insight and outlook, industry consultancy, expert industry reports and price strategy to more than 250 industry clients around the globe. Mr. Vazquez is Founder and Managing Director of HARBOR’s Aluminum Intelligence Unit.
Mr. Vazquez’s authoritative and independent aluminum industry analysis and insight have made HARBOR Aluminum Intelligence Unit the world’s leading aluminum industry consultancy and aluminum market outlook provider. Jorge is sought after as an aluminum industry/market expert witness for legal disputes and arbitration cases related to the bauxite, alumina, primary aluminum, extrusions, secondary aluminum, and flat rolled products industries.
Mr. Vazquez focuses on studying structural changes in the aluminum industry, pricing valuations, trade issues, investment profitability opinions, market outlook and trends, industry trends, and industry production costs. His aluminum industry expert reports and opinions are based on specialized aluminum industrial statistics, high value intelligence data and anecdotal evidence, which have been determinant in aluminum industry and market legal disputes.
The aluminum industry is our focus. From bauxite to primary aluminum to aluminum semis to scrap. In the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia. This is why we serve all major aluminum players up and down the supply chain. For more information or enquires, contact our team today.
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