LME price plunge continues as world demand contraction worsens


1. LME Cash price drops to two-week lows, falling below $2,400 per mton amid world end-user demand contraction and oil price plunge.

LME Cash aluminum prices closed today at a two-week low of…

2. China’s aluminum prices fall to two-week lows, technicals remain bearish.

SHFE front-month aluminum prices ended the session down 0.7% at…

3. ALERT! – US BILLET. DOUBLE WHAMMY: US Billet Re-melters facing tight margins and weak demand.

4. ALERT! – EUROPEAN BILLET. EUROPEAN SMELTERS OUTPERFORMING: European primary billet producers better positioned than competitors amid challenging demand times.

To see our full European Billet Market Intel and Premiums assessment, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “European Billet Intelligence” reports.

5. The LME Cash-3M contango tightens as the October–November backwardation intensifies (bearish premiums).

The Cash-3M contango tightened further to $21.14 per mton…


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