Novelis to build a… k mtpy recycling center in Ky; LME price rallies and re-enters HARBOR’s target zone


1. LME prices re-enter HARBOR’s $… per mton target zone with lack of fresh long buying suggesting market remains somewhat skeptical of the rally.

2. China’s aluminum prices rise to an eleven-week high.

3. ALUMINUM PRODUCTION ALERT. CHINA IS EXPANDING PRODUCTION AGAIN: China’s December aluminum smelting run rate up m/m.

4. ALERT! – SECONDARY SLAB EXPANSION NEWS AND ANALYSIS. GREEN GOLD BOOM: Novelis to build a… k mtpy recycling center in Kentucky.

5. RERUN: US FOIL ALERT. HIGHER DUTIES SOUGHT: US foil producers seek higher AD duties on imports from Turkey.

For more details, please subscribe to our specialized Aluminum Rolled Products Intelligence Report.

6. LME Cash–3M contango narrows as tightness beyond March persists (unsupportive P1020 spot premiums).

More details in full report.


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