LME price range-trades above support zone; MW spot premium firms up after sharpest plunge on record


1. LME prices still finding support at HARBOR’s $… per mton zone.

2. China’s aluminum prices continue to test key technical support levels.

3. US MW PREMIUM ALERT. UP AFTER THE PLUNGE: MW spot premium firms up to as high as.. cent/lb after historic plunge.

4. US SLAB ALERT. OVER 100 KMTY: Slab imports from Middle East and Russia to overpass 100 kmton in 2022.

5. LME Cash–3M contango narrows to one-week low, December‑January backwardation re-emerges.

More details in full report.


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Previous Article LME prices fall back to HARBOR’s support zone; LME backwardation widens at the back end of the curve Next Article LME prices climb as support holds; Nearby LME contango tightens considerably (bearish premiums)
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