LME price down amid uncertainty in China; Green slab annual upcharge doubles in North America


1. LME prices fall but manage to end the week above $… per mton

2. SHFE aluminum prices continue to face resistance near fifteen-year highs

3. GREEN SLAB ALERT. GREEN GOLD: Slab’s green upcharge doubles to as high as $… per mton.

HARBOR’s North American Slab (1xxx, 3xxx, 5xxx Series) Green/Low-Carbon Aluminum annual contract upcharge increased today to…

4. GREEN ALUMINUM MONITOR: Super Green Aluminum brand launched; pathways to carbon neutrality announced.

Matalco launches Super Green aluminum brand with high recycled content in North America, while AB InBev Europe will produce low-carbon aluminum cans using Rusal ’s low-carbon aluminum units produced with inert anode technology. EN+ Group and AMAGpresent their respective paths to carbon neutrality.

For more details, please see our “Green Aluminum Monitor” released earlier today.

5. US CANSHEET ALERT. CAN MAKERS DOUBLE DOWN IN NEVADA: Ball and Crown announce new can plants.

North American can production to boom in…. The Aluminum Can Revolution 2.0 is real and strong. For more details, please subscribe to our specialized Aluminum Rolled Products Intelligence Report.

6. EUROPEAN SCRAP MARKET. DOUBLE WHAMMY: Silicon and energy prices hitting secondary smelters hard in Europe.

Looming bullish pressure for secondary alloy ingot and secondary scrap units in Europe. To see our full market intel on the European scrap market, please subscribe to our specialized Europe Scrap Intelligence Report.

7. LME Cash–3M contango narrows on December tightness; longer-term backwardations ease from steep levels.

More details in full report.


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